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HFEA wins prestigious award for data dashboard.Our award-winning dashboard gives users the opportunity to explore HFEA data and find statistics on their own areas of interest. Find out more here.

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  • Our people

    Whether it be inspecting fertility clinics or research centres, we all work to ensure everyone involved in fertility treatment has high quality care.

    Last updated: 11 April 2016

    Review date: 11 April 2018

  • Working with others

    We listen to, and learn from, those with an interest in what we do and speak to them before making key decisions.

    Last updated: 27 July 2016

    Review date: 27 July 2018

  • News and press releases

    Browse all the latest news and press releases from the HFEA.

    Last updated: 6 July 2016

    Review date: 6 July 2018

  • What we spend and how

    As a public sector organisation, we have a duty to publish certain financial information, which can be found on this page.

    Last updated: 6 December 2016

    Review date: 6 December 2018