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Why I became an egg donor - Hayley’s story

Hayley decided to become an egg donor after splitting up from her partner. Here’s her story.

Back in 2016, I remember hearing a radio advert encouraging women to become egg donors. I remember thinking what a great thing it would be to do when I’d finished having kids of my own. I’ve got a son, so I know how much it means to be a parent, and I loved the idea of giving someone who’d longed for it that chance.

Some time later, I split up with my partner and that got my thinking about it again. I thought this might be it for me in terms of having kids of my own – I might not meet anyone else – so why not give someone else to have the chance to?

I wasn’t closing the book on having more kids of my own - I did my research and found out that it wouldn’t affect my own fertility or my own chances of getting pregnant in future – but this was a way of taking control and helping someone else while I can.

I’ve donated three times

The first two donations were fine but the last one was quite gruelling. But I just kept thinking that what you go through as a donor is so much smaller than what you go through as a recipient – it’s small fry really.

There is a lot involved; each time the process lasted around four to six weeks. I had to take tablets to rejig my cycle so it was in line with the recipient, injections on a morning and a night and internal scans to check how the follicles and the lining of my uterus were developing. The injections were uncomfortable at times but I didn’t feel anything when the eggs were collected as I was heavily sedated.

My employer has been really supportive

I chose a clinic that had early morning and afternoon appointments so I could fit it around work. I also chose a clinic that was between work and home to make the logistics easier. Work were really good – they let me have the time off for the appointments and were really supportive.

I’ve given two families two baby girls

I applied to the HFEA to find out the outcome of my donation and I was overjoyed to find out my donations led to two baby girls being born. I never built myself up to it being successful – I know it’s more often not – I just focused on the egg collection being successful. But to know that I’ve given two families a chance they may not have had is such an overwhelming feeling. I would do it more if I could!

I’m comfortable knowing I may or may not be contacted by the children in future

I don’t know if they’ll be told that they were conceived with the help of an egg donor, or if they’ll apply to the HFEA to find out my identity when they reach 18. I will always be led by what they want.

Hayley chronicled her last egg donation on Instagram. Read more about her story by following @myeggsyourbasket

Review date: 20 September 2021