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National Patient Survey 2024 logo.Our National Patient Survey 2024 report is now live. Thank you to all those that shared their experiences. Read our report here.

Your views are needed on the EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells

There still time to give your views and opinions about the ongoing evaluation of the blood, tissues and cells legislation.

The consultation aims to seek views on whether the legislation achieved its original objectives and to what extent it continues to be adequate today, taking into account any relevant technological, epidemiological, organisational or societal changes that have occurred since its adoption. They also want your views on the value of having such requirements laid down at EU-level. Views and opinions are also sought on the costs and burdens of implementing the legislation, and whether these have been justified by the results achieved, and on the coherence of the Directives with other relevant EU legislation.

The stakeholder consultation on the EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells is available on the European Commission website.

The closing date is 31 August 2017.

Review date: 22 December 2019