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National Patient Survey 2024 logo.Our National Patient Survey 2024 report is now live. Thank you to all those that shared their experiences. Read our report here.

New Business Plan 2017 - 2018

Read our new business plan for 2017 - 2018

Our vision for 2017-20 is: High quality care for everyone affected by fertility treatment.

Patients, donors and donor-conceived people are at the heart of our strategy, and our work. We want
them all to receive high quality care and support, at every stage in their journey through fertility services.
In setting our strategy, we considered people’s needs at different points in their treatment journey.

Prospective patients (in particular) need to be able to find information to help them understand their
options, know where to go for further advice and decide what steps to take next. People who have
decided to have treatment (or to be a donor), and have contacted a clinic, need more detailed information
to help them make decisions about treatment, and prepare for it.

Patients and donors need good support
during the treatment or donation process, and they need a deeper understanding of particular topics
relating to their care. And people who have had treatment (whether it was successful or not), who have
donated gametes, or who have been conceived through donation, need further information and emotional
support at a later stage.

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Publication date: 22 December 2017

Review date: 22 December 2019